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One Breath

Stories that tell of truly empowering relationships 

Organisation Change    Using 'right relationship' as a starting point we work with business to explore the  capacity for change in the organisation 

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Reluctant Engagements

The organisation reflects on right relationship

How can a person alongside chosen family and friends, service providers, funder, and decision makers work more powerfully together so that a person can have a real chance to experience the ‘Good Things in Life’?


Time at work to  explore words, images, and quiet intentional observation with the option to look at what powerful work together can look like 

Experience Matters

The One Breath Diversity Program

How starting with 'right relationship' can drive the diversity agenda in the workplace

Working for greater diversity, more equality, parity of value and respect brings opportunity to business. Our 'Experience Matters' workplace diversity program is anchored by a focus on 'right relationship' and the nurturing of 'valued social roles'. 

Talk to us about the touchstones we bring to your inclusion and diversity journey and together we can measure results and impacts


9 Questions for Managers

Where we started the conversation from

  1. What’s family business?

  2. What do family / person need to know about the SP business?

  3. What does a powerful engagement look like?

  4. How do you identify willing and potentially useful collaborators?

  5. What are the landmines that we need to look out for in a ‘reluctant’ relationship?

  6. What are the useful stock, obvious or stupid questions needed to be asked?

  7. What should a family partner know about the service provider they use that would be helpful in negotiating a stronger and more effective working relationship?

  8. What are the areas where collaborators can achieve the greatest successes?

  9. What are the necessary assumptions that need to be started from the get-go?


Where the conversations led

  • Strength building questions

  • Purview - Family business / Service business 

  • What powerful engagement looks like

  • Landmines and fertile ground 

Clan - Bigger than family, smaller than community, mutual human connections

Beo – An Irish word for all things alive and vital in the present moment

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